During a Chinese medicine consultation we determine the relative balance of Yin and Yang within the body and one of these manifestations is the sense of Heat and Cold within the body. Too much Heat may be caused by too many warming foods and insufficient cooling foods. After all, food is medicine. Other contributing factors are levels of activity (body and mind), pathogens (cold, flu etc) and climate.
Symptoms of Excess Heat in the body:
- feel hot/feverish or have an aversion to heat and prefer cold
- dry mouth and excess thirst
- red, dry, gritty eyes
- nosebleeds
- bright red & dry tongue
- high blood pressure
- constipation
- inflammation, skin rash or eruptions/sores
- full and rapid pulse
- red meats
- chicken
- alcohol
- coffee
- chilli
- ginger
- deep-fried or baked foods
Consume MORE:
- tofu and soy products
- crab
- barley
- millet
- mushrooms
- wheatgrass
- kelp
- peppermint
- dandelion
- asparagus
- celery
- lettuce
- cucumber
- bok choy
- eggplant
- apple
- pear
- watermelon
- steamed and simmered foods
Happy eating!